Krazy Celtic's Hideout

My older sister's blog

Blibby's Blog
My little sister's blog

Gixxer For Christ
My brother's blog

Grantian Florilegium
Dr. Grant: literary, bibliophile, wordsmithy, and professor

Blog and Mablog
Pastor and professor in Moscow, Idaho

A Proverb A Day
Short daily expositions and applications of a Proverb

The Evantine Abbey
My former landlord, self-proclaimed futilitarian

Roots by the River
The elder Wilson, providing practical encouragement to Christian living

Christus Rex
He's masculine during the week and feminine on Sundays

Trozzort's Tales
Got married, cut travel time to church by 75%

Blog of Nash
The Nashes like football and their kids

Joy in the Journey
Has cute kids.

Those funny stories aren't made up

Filled With Truth
Adventures and thoughts of a Christian country girl

Danger Blog
Seeing the glory of God in the ordinary

Sacra Doctrina
Theology and family of Joel Garver

A Minor
Community-oriented blogger

This Classical Life
Young family living the classical life

A Cup of Rich
Fellow Celto-phile

Sir Jake
He's happily taken

The writer, student, and Chicago style pizza lover

Gulf Coastal
Beside the sea

The High Post
Clever Christian chaps, triumvirate of family men

Wittenberg Hall
Discussing Christianity and beer

Weighing Glory
Somewhere chasing his hat

Down To A Sunless Sea
When Florida and Minnesota collide

Crash Into Me
No problems with authority

April 2008
March 2008
February 2008
January 2008
December 2007
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3.01.07 - 3.31.07
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A Sabbath Prayer

To what can that love be likened
That lasts e'en longer than heav'nly planets sway
That ceases not when bodies to the grave repair
And falters not in doubt at Death's cold stare?
Like a mighty sword in a stone
It waits for only one,
Like a king enthroned in a tower
Wonderful, majestic, an impregnable power.
Claimed in every corner and remotest region
Underneath the starry legion -
Even in the prayer of poor lonely partaker
On bended knee giving thanks to his Maker.

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E l s e w h e r e

Scientists find bugs that eat waste and excrete petrol (link added 06.16.08)
Crude oil is being created from genetically modified bug excretions.
Read it

Pringles can designer buried in his work (link added 06.03.08)
Designer of the Pringles can was cremated and his remains kept in a Pringles can.
Read it

P o e t r y

Contented Wi' Little, And Cantie Wi' Mair - Robert Burns
Contented wi' little and cantie wi' mair,
Whene'er I forgather wi' Sorrow and Care,
I gie them a skelp, as they're creepin alang,
Wi' a cog o' guid swats and an auld Scottish sang.

I whyles claw the elbow o' troublesome Thought;
But Man is a soger, and Life is a faught.
My mirth and guid humour are coin in my pouch,
And my Freedom's my lairdship nae monarch daur touch.

A towmond o' trouble, should that be my fa',
A night o' guid fellowship sowthers it a':
When at the blythe end o' our journey at last,
Wha the Deil ever thinks o' the road he has past?

Blind Chance, let her snapper and stoyte on her way,
Be't to me, be't frae me, e'en let the jade gae!
Come Ease or come Travail, come Pleasure or Pain,
My warst word is:- ' Welcome, and welcome again!'

S t o r y

Attack of the Silverfish
Shepherd of the Lake
Of An Evening In The Library
Character Study, Incomplete
Excerpt From Story, In Which Are Aeoffyn And A Centaur
Tylwyth Teg: The Fair Folk
Sonnets to the Muse
The Hopeless Poet
The Judgment of Night
A Sabbath Prayer
Elegy of the Sun To His Love

R e a d i n g / R e a d

The Man Who Was Thursday: G.K. Chesterton
Baudolino: Umberto Eco


© 2025 Joshua McInnis